Everyone’s making their own podcast, well maybe not everyone, but about 750,000 people.  That’s the estimated number of podcasts available today.

Podcasting can be a great way to get your message out, but there are some rules to follow if you want to develop a following.

These include:

  • Keep them short (15-20 min max unless you’re Ira Glass or Terry Gross)
  • Find guests who match your audience (If you are targeting patients/members, make sure to interview a patient/member)
  • Use a professional microphone and editing software
  • Have a consistent host and format
  • Edit out the boring stuff

In my podcast, Northwest Health Matters, I explore topics that matter to your health and your pocketbook.

This episode is about sending poop through the mail.

Yup, that’s right.  Have a listen and let me know what you think smartypantsmary@gmail.com.

Advertisers spent  $479 million to advertise on podcasts in 2018, up 53 percent from 2017.

 Podcast Revenue Report, IAB and PwC